10% Guarantee
We will beat any competitors fertilizing programs by 10%
Guaranteed. Call for details.
Tree & Shrub Care:
1. Spring
Basic nutrients and micronutrients are injected into
the feeder roots of your trees and shrubs. This treatment helps
relieve winter stress, increases strength and vigor, and
enhances flowering.
2. Early Summer
This application helps
control insects such as mites, chewing and sucking insects, and
fungus diseases.
3. Summer
This application is the second in a
series of two insect and disease treatments offering continued
protection of your trees and shrubs.
4. Early Fall
We'll apply
a deep-root fertilization which replaces the nutrients the
plants have disbursed over the summer, and helps to prepare them
for winter stress to come.
We also spray for caterpillars and
many other insects.
Get started with a free no obligation lawn
analysis. Your guide to a greener, lusher, healthier Lawn!
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